Community Stories


September 4, 2024

On a bright spring morning at CBC’s newly opened Green Bay Donor Center this past year, Heather embarked on a new chapter in her journey as a lifesaver—she became a first-time platelet donor.

Heather had always understood the importance of donating blood, though her type AB positive blood meant she wasn’t a universal donor. “I knew I was a universal recipient, which made my blood type less in demand,” she shared. “I donated when I could, but I always felt I could do more.”

That changed right before Christmas 2023. Heather went in for her usual blood donation and learned something that would reshape her perspective: her AB positive blood type was perfect for platelet donation. Platelets, she discovered, are crucial for patients undergoing cancer treatments, trauma victims, and those in surgery—people fighting for their lives.

The realization struck close to home. When Heather was in high school, her grandfather battled leukemia, and her mother regularly donated platelets to help others in similar situations. “I knew the importance of platelet donations firsthand. So, when I was asked if I wanted to donate, I didn’t hesitate. I said yes because I want to save lives.”

Since then, Heather has become a dedicated platelet donor, giving as often as she can. Recently, her commitment became even more personal—her mother was diagnosed with cancer and began treatment. “I now donate platelets at least once a month,” Heather said. “Knowing there’s always a need, and now that my mom might need them too, it drives me even more to ensure these lifesaving products are available.”

CBC encourages all eligible blood and platelet donors to schedule a donation to help patients who rely on them every day.

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